Saturday, May 23, 2009

CA trip Part 2

Yes, that is a house made of one log.

A bridge Forrest thought was cool.

Pretty view.

A tree.

More tall trees.

CA trip Part 1

You probably can't tell, but those are some big sea lions we saw in Crescent City, CA. There were a ton of them!

Paul Bunyon and Babe the blue ox. Pretty cool.

Some tall trees in the Redwood Forest.

Forrest and Audrey in a tree cave!

A big fallen tree.

California Adventure

As some of you already know, we are in the process of moving from Oregon to Southern California! It is very exciting for us and we are looking forward to this great new chapter in our lives. 

We decided to take a little road trip as part of our move and we are currently in San Francisco. On our way here we camped one night in the Redwood Forest. The next stretch of our drive is the longest, from San Francisco to Ventura. We're driving along the coast since it is more scenic. 

I'll be posting all the pictures we're taking as I get time at the computer.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Audrey says hello!

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Monday, May 11, 2009

first tooth!

Audrey is finally getting her first tooth! Right now there's just one little spot poking through but I know we'll be seeing the whole thing in just a few days. She's been extra chewy and I've been rubbing her gums all day. We're lucky that her mood hasn't changed. She's not very fussy, thank goodness! As soon as this tooth comes through we'll take a picture and post it for you all to see.

Friday, May 8, 2009

more funnies in a bigger size

She's a crawler!

Audrey is now crawling!! We have taken two short videos, but neither one is very good. She's crawling more and more every day so we'll get a good one soon! It's surprising how fast she can crawl when she's trying to get to something she's not supposed to play with. The rest of the time she's pretty lazy about it. Besides being absolutely adorable, the best part about Audrey being able to crawl is that she isn't so frustrated anymore. She can get around when she wants to, which makes her very, very happy.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

No, we don't let her drink soda!

Audrey loves to try to do things that Mama and Daddy do. 

That includes trying to drink from our bottles.

She's such a funny little girl!

My silly girl

She loves to be upside down!

Grabbing for the camera.

Close up!

Sticking her tongue out. So cute!

Daddy's chair!

Audrey LOVES sitting in Daddy's chair! It's the only place she'll actually sit up. She won't sit on the sofa or floor. When she's on the floor she just wants to play and work on crawling. She has so much fun in Daddy's chair, it makes her feel like a big kid!


Audrey crawled a little bit for me today! She actually took a step with each knee and then moved a hand forward!! She'll be crawling any day now. I took this video while we were trying to get her to crawl to Daddy.

6 month check-up

Audrey had her 6 month check-up last week. She now weighs 18 pounds 10 ounces and is 25 3/4 inches tall. She is in the 90th percentile for weight but is only in the 50th percentile for height. She gained three whole pounds in the two months between her appointments! I can't believe how big she's getting.

She has been eating solid foods since she was about 3 1/2 months old but I hadn't been very consistent with that lately because she gets frustrated when I feed her. Audrey is an independent little girl and she loves feeding herself Gerber puffs. She's not really thrilled when Mama feeds her with a spoon because she thinks she's a big girl! Her doctor said that between now and 9 months we really need to get her to eat more solids so that she can transition to table foods later on. We've been feeding her breakfast and dinner for the last few days and she's doing really well. I think she has more fun when Daddy feeds her though. As soon as she finishes all the puree we've got in the freezer I think I'm going to steam her fruits and vegetables in little bite-sized cubes that she can feed herself. That'll be a while though, she's got a lot of food in the freezer!

We watch PBS Kids in the mornings and Audrey's favorite show had been Clifford the Big Red Dog for a few months, but now she's got a new favorite. She loves Sid the Science Kid! She likes it because the 3D animation is really good and the colors are really bright. The best part though is that there are lots of songs. I always sing the songs to her and have her "dance" along with them. It's a lot of fun. I just hope it's around when she's older so that she can learn about science.